Category: Uncategorized

Wade Rain Wheel Line

At Pleasant Meadow Creamery, being in a western state, we learned long ago that a…

Darci Calved

Without giving us much in the way of notice, Darci calved yesterday evening at around…

Power Outage

September 7 - Labor Day - 2020 has brought us a severe windstorm with power…

Subscribe to our blog

Please subscribe to our blog. Moving forward, we will mostly be doing farm updates via…

Raw Milk Deal

National Public Radio's Planet Money program recently did a 19 minute broadcast entitled Raw Milk…

Wrapping Haylage Bales

At Pleasant Meadow Creamery, use a Tubeline TL1000R bale wrapper for wrapping haylage bales. Information…

We will not underprice

Pleasant Meadow Creamery was formed out of a love for good, high quality, Guernsey milk.…

Guernsey Girls on Spring Grass

Every May, the Guernsey girls get out on fresh spring grass, and get to stay…

Manure spreading with Meyer V-Max

Manure Spreading with Meyer V-Max This video shows how we do manure spreading with Meyer…

Romans 8:19 through 25

"For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of…