Glass milk bottles are better.
Pleasant Meadow Creamery bottles our superior Guernsey milk in glass milk bottles.
We wouldn’t even consider taking the finest milk on earth – grass-fed, A2A2, whole cream-top, raw unpasteurized, Guernsey cow milk – and putting it in a petro-chemical container like plastic.
Milk should be good for you, and the container should enhance the goodness.
Some of our competition bottles in “plastic jugs” “for your convenience”. Folks, if you want convenience, please, by all means, buy our competitor’s milk and live with the consequences of all that plastic “convenience”.
Our glass bottles require commitment and responsibility from you. We want you to rinse them, and we want you to return them to the store where you purchased the milk. You will get your deposit back, or applied to your next purchase, and we will take the trouble to run them through our bottle washer and re-use them. It’s good stewardship. It’s good for you. It’s good for the earth. It’s good for future generations. It tastes better. It’s a superior container for a superior product.
To say again – we wouldn’t even consider bottling our superior milk in inferior plastic “jugs”.
Our glass bottles have a deposit to encourage you to return them to the store on your next purchase
You will notice the sticker price on our milk is much higher than the milk around us, but what you may not know is each bottle has a deposit of up to $3.75 or other depending on size built in that price.
Specifically, the deposits are $3.75 for half gallon bottles, $2.00 for quart bottles, and $1.50 for pints. These deposits are just about equal to our costs for the bottles. In some cases, like the half gallons, the replacement cost, counting shipping, is actually slightly higher than the deposit.
When you first purchase the milk, you pay that deposit. When you rinse and return the bottle to your retailer, the deposit is credited back to you or applied to your next purchase. Therefore, the price you are paying for the milk is significantly less than the sticker price, and you are encouraged to return those bottles to the store so they come back to us for sanitary wash and re-use.
We appreciate your help in both rinsing these bottles before you return them to the store (which helps us get them clean for re-use), and especially for returning them so they can be re-used. Bottles that don’t come back cost us in replacement time and expense and don’t help us keep the price as low as possible for you.
We are blessed to have choices in north Idaho for milk. A consumer can find raw goat’s milk in plastic, raw goat’s milk in glass, and our milk, to name a few. We will always bottle our milk in glass because glass is simply an exceedingly superior container for the best milk on earth.
Glass flavor is better
Glass is inert compared to plastic when it comes to flavor. Let’s face it, plastic is made from hydrocarbons – not fit for human consumption certainly – and leaches a certain amount of it’s material into the flavor of the food contained therein, no matter claims to the contrary.
Raw milk, by its nature, is perishable and susceptible to contamination from its environment. Why bottle in plastic, which taints the flavor, when one can bottle in glass, which is inert and does not in any way negatively affect the flavor or composition of the milk?
Cost and weight are more for glass
Probably, the number one reason dairies bottle milk in plastic is cost and weight. Yes, glass costs more and weighs more. A truckload of glass bottled milk is going to weigh more than a truckload of plastic bottled milk, and the production cost of that truckload will be less.
However, glass is such a superior milk container, it is worth using.
Would you buy your good wine in plastic bottles? How about your very excellent beer? We didn’t think so.
Glass has breakage on occasion, but plastic even moreso
If you drop a glass bottle, yes, it likely will shatter. Nevertheless, while stocking our milk over the years on the store shelves, we can’t even begin to count how many “leakers” we’ve seen on shelves that were plastic bottles with pin hole leaks. Look below a dairy cooler case and see the plastic lining? Note all the dried milk on it. Yes, that’s from leakers, and any bottle that gets a pin hole leak gets pulled, tossed, and wasted.
Plastic ends up in the landfill and oceans
The majority of those plastic milk jugs go to the land fill and ocean despite being recyclable. Right now, this is a huge problem worldwide. Europe is beginning to address the problem with bans on single-use plastic, but go down to your local waste processing center and transfer station and see how much recyclable plastic is heading for landfills and you’ll realize there is just as much of that as single use plastic. Plus, much of the ocean trash comprises recyclable beverage bottles.
Our glass bottles come back to us, get a sanitary wash, and get reused over and over.
Enjoy your glass-bottled grass-fed A2A2 Guernsey Goodness Idaho raw milk from Pleasant Meadow Creamery!
Kathleen Wolff
Where can I buy your milk
Paul Herndon
All North Idaho Super 1s, Pilgrim’s Market in CDA, Winter Ridge in Sandpoint, Yoke’s in Ponderay, and Only Local in Cocolalla/Westmond.
Nora Svihl
Been reading so much about milk and gut health, especially with A2A2. I thank you for everything you do. Your herd is well-tended! You are the good shepherds. God Bless You and may your efforts bring you and your family goodness forever. I am a long time lactose intolerant person (I also lack alcohol dehydrogenase…might give you an idea of my ethnicity) but the Guernsey milk does not cause GI distress. What a miracle. So, milk as God intended it was the best for us the whole time. If only many others can benefit from milk like this. I hope my gut repopulates with natural microbiota from these unpasteurized milks. I can’t even go back!!! You should see the CDC’s scathing page on the evils of unpasteurized milk, you’d think you were selling poison. Sad!
I’m excited to try raw guernsey milk!! We’ll be moving to Troy, Mt next spring, so we’ll probably do most of our shopping in Bonner’s Ferry. Raw milk is hard to come by where we are now since it’s not legal to sell. Thank you for what y’all do!
Paul Herndon
You’re welcome!
We have 2 milk cows in Mt. & would like to get glass half gal. jugs. Will you share your source, or sell us a dz.?
Paul Herndon
Hello Susan, our half gallon bottles are sourced from Stanpac in Canada. Ours have our logo screen printed on them, so we do not sell them. Also, you would need caps – also sourced from Stanpac.
Rick Pettit
Hello! I live in Glenmoore Pennsylvania and I am moving back home (originally from Priest River) to Selle Valley. I love your model and your values. You are exactly what we need more of in this country! We need more community farms and regenerative farming as you know its the best for the soil. I will be buying lots of your raw milk. Do you sell raw cream? I get raw cream here in PA from the Amish and would love to be able to get it there in ID.
Paul Herndon
We do not bottle cream at this time. Demand for fluid milk is high. If there is ever surplus fluid milk, we will bottle cream.
Mary Pollard
I can not use dairy products. We’ve tried raw goat milk that worked for one of the children that couldn’t have milk but then the following year it made her sick as well. We switched to almond milk and found eventually most of the nut milks were a problem. To our surprise, we tried your raw A2 milk and are able to use it! We are thankful that you raise your cows to the glory of God. We were all shocked that we can use this milk without symptoms. We had tried another A2 milk but I couldn’t use it. I think you are the only raw A2. Such amazing farming practices! We will definitely be buying your milk. We pray that God strengthens you as this is hard work.
Paul Herndon
Thank you for sharing!
Tamra Dale
I would be very interested in buying cream, and butter from you. Do you have your own cream and butter for sale? I am able to purchase your product for Super 1 in Post Falls, and or Yokes in Post Falls. I actually have my own small goat herd but they do not produce enough cream to make my own raw A2/A2 butter.
Thank you!
Paul Herndon
We have sold cream this past summer at the stores in glass pint bottles. Right now, there is not enough milk have extra with which we can separate cream. We do expect to get back to it in the spring. We will likely never make butter as the price would be pretty high in order to make a reasonable profit margin on the additional labor over cream.
Tamra Dale
Thank you so much for your response! I totally understand, as I have sold eggs, and goat milk in the past.
Roy Chris
I love the raw Jersey milk but have a hard time acquiring it as I’m a senior and don’t move very fast. Your website says you deliver to Super One in Athol on Mondays and Thursdays. Can you tell me the approximate time of day? Thank you.
Paul Herndon
Athol is our first delivery on the south route. We leave the farm by 2 PM, so Athol is usually stocked by 2:30 to 2:45 PM
I have had a couple of your quart jars for several years (sorry, should have returned them!). I used at least one of them to store whole grain wheat berries (hard red, kamut, or similar). Is there any reason you would not want these jars back now since I used them to store grains? They’ve been rinsed and are ready to return. I’m asking because I saw the sign at Yoke’s saying that you really need to have the jars back in order to be able to meet the demand for raw milk and help keep prices down.
Paul Herndon
If you are talking about our quart logoed bottles, then you can return those to any retailer that sells our milk, if they are in good shape, for a refund of your bottle deposit.
Hello, and thank you so much for the product you provide:) I am trying to reduce my plastic consumption/waste in as many ways as I am able – are you able to reuse the caps on your milk bottles as well?
Paul Herndon
Caps are tamper proof and once the ring is removed, there is no way to replace it. Also, being g plastic, there is no way to sanitize. Both are food safety issues.
bob beadling
so happy to find your product. The milk is amazing. I make my own Keifer, and your milk takes the keifer over the top. Thank you.